Understanding sex work as a social service | Interview with Victoria (Ep. 95)

Interview with Victoria (Ep. 95)

Understanding sex work as a social service




In this episode, Toshi had a conversation with Victoria, a former escort who is the president of UTSOPI in Belgium, which is the Belgian Union of Sex Workers. Together, they had a conversation about the way that Victoria views sex work as a social service, something that’s not just about physical intimacy but is very connected to human emotions and is effective at combating loneliness. Toshi and Victoria also discussed the stigma that is still associated with sex work, why you should be hugging the people in your life, and the difference between loneliness and being alone.


What they discussed:

00:00 – Intro 

02:35 – Only 10% of sex work is about sex  

07:27 – How clients responded when Victoria quit sex work 

09:08 – The difference between loneliness and being alone 

 10:09 - The benefits of sex work on emotional health  

12:26 – How Victoria came to see sex work as a social service 

17:25 – Human connection is important in every job 

18:33 – What Victoria learned from sex work 

20:26 – The stigma still associated with sex work 

22:23 – How sex helps Victoria stay young 

24:10 – Why you should be hugging the people in your life 

25:17 – Victoria's own experience as a client of sex work 

30:09 – Conclusion 


Related links:

UTSOPI, the Belgian Union of Sex Workers: https://www.utsopi.be/


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