Have you heard of 'Stiletto Botox'?

‘Stiletto Botox’ - so you can wear high heels without the pain

Have you heard of ‘stiletto Botox’?  

Apparently, this cosmetic procedure is going viral on TikTok. And it's exactly what it sounds like – it's Botox that gets injected into your feet so that you can wear high heels without the pain.  

This isn’t a new practice – it first came on the scene back in 2016. Basically, the Botox stops certain muscles from contracting and makes your feet go numb. Dermal fillers are also injected into the ball of the foot to give more cushioned support.  

Of course, there are the usual risks associated with Botox – things like allergic reactions, bruising and infection, and because feet are pretty sensitive, the injections are said to hurt quite a bit. The effects are also temporary, so if this is something you’re going to be investing in, it’s likely you’ll have to get the procedure redone every three or four months, and if you’re in London, this will set you back around £600 each time. 

So – stiletto Botox, or ‘Loub jobs’ as they’re being called – what do you think? Is it worth it?

Read more at The Guardian.